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Our Mission
“West Valley Homes Yes is a community-based nonprofit which advocates for compassionate, just, and collaborative solutions to homelessness. The cornerstone of our work is mutual aid, providing food, supplies and support in many forms to people experiencing homelessness.”

Our guiding principles include:
- Community Building, trust and Relationship: Ongoing relationships are essential to our model of collaboration and advocacy. Community building is a primary goal of our work and informs all of the work we do.
- Mutuality and collaboration: Our Board and outreach program include people who are currently and formerly unhoused. Solutions to homelessness should be guided by lived experience. We look to uplift and listen to voices of people experiencing homelessness as we advocate for change and serve our community.
- Harm reduction and meeting people where they are: We want everyone to be housed, but believe getting there begins with meeting the needs of unhoused folks as they determine them and building the trust necessary to connect them to housing or other services/support. This means that while we work for permanent housing and decriminalization, we also work to make existing encampments safer, more hygienic, and better supported. It also means that sobriety or treatment should never be a barrier to accessing housing or services.
- Flexibility and mobility: Meeting people where they are has geographic implications. Unhoused people in the West Valley are spread out and services in central locations can be hard to access. The center of our work is outreach, and we aim to make our interventions as accessible to people across the West Valley as possible.